Treavor Wagoner is a storyteller of poetry and memoir. He occasionally writes about relationships, music, and self-care. He is also a product designer.


Work with Treavor

Treavor lives, works, and creates from Austin, Texas. He is also a creative writing, self-publishing, and editing consultant.

Treavor Wagoner graduated from the University of North Texas, Creative Writing BA (2010) with minors and concentration in Communication Design, Computer Education and Cognitive Systems, and Spanish.



“I never quite fit in but could adapt anywhere.”

NESTLED AMONG A STACK OF VHS MIXTAPES and Kool-aid™ packs, I was always a kid that was self-entertained and lived in his own imagination. I spent a lot of time outside in the rural Texas, village-style neighborhood I grew up in. There, I walked among wildflowers, dodged being stung by various kinds of wasps, and did so many odd-and-ends jobs to pay for Power Rangers figurines. I would often walk to the bridge where the turtles cross over the gurgling gulch, or walk out to an open field and stare at the open, cornflower blue sky picking out Orion’s belt and dipper constellations. I was dreaming and planning for the life I have now: writing books that help people, supporting other creatives accomplishing their goals, creating digital products for businesses, traveling to places I’d seen in cartoons, and enjoying life as much as possible with great people under big, open skies. Throughout my life, I’ve learned that I never quite fit in but could adapt anywhere.

Follow Treavor’s journey.




Site photography: Huong Le

All content, except where noted: Treavor Wagoner